
Showing posts from April, 2019

Components of AD

Israel Aggregate Demand Indicators (1997-2017)

Consumer Confidence (From 2011)
Consumer Spending
Business Confidence
Government Spending

Balance of Trade

While there is variance in the data for each of these indicators, in general they seem to correlate roughly with GDP. This can be explained by the fact the all of them are factors of GDP affecting it at once.

National Indicators

Israel National Indicators (2016)

Exports as a % of GDP: 29.9%
(“Country statistical profile: Israel 2019/2.”)

General government spending as a % of GDP: 38.6%
(“Country statistical profile: Israel 2019/2.”)

Net investment in non financial assets as a % of GDP: 0.5%

Tax revenue as a % of GDP: 31.3%
(“Country statistical profile: Israel 2019/2.”)

Imports as a % of GDP: 28.1%
(“Country statistical profile: Israel 2019/2.”)

GDP over the last 20 years:

Israel appears to be in economic recovery. Image at

Works Cited

“Country statistical profile: Israel 2019/2.” OECD iLibrary, OECD.
“Databank.” The World Bank, The World Bank.